Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hanya Ingin Berbagi

 IT'S 14 Dec.'s STORY

okay, hi. =)
Aah apaan coba. Ya intinya, I am saying hi to you. Ahaha, maaf, lagi gak jelas.
Anyway! I am welcoming myself back to Karawaci (gue sering menyebutnya sebagai Singapore. hihi). Tadi perjalanan, cape + bete. Beneran. I started from Bintaro with mom at 11.50. Gue udah deg-degan ketinggalan TransBintaro. Tapi ternyata, we still made it. Lalu, sampe di Fx pukul 12.50. Busnya (SEHARUSNYA-I tell you dari awal ya) dateng pukul 13.30. Jadi nyokap ngajak ngiter di Fx dulu. Nyokap bilang "Ah, masih setengah jam kok. Setengah jam itu lama, Ping!". Yawes, nurut wae lah. Dan ternyata, nyokap lagi pengen froyo.
Beliau nanya, "Ping, di sini ada yoghurt gak?" Gue udah tau nih, beliau maksudnya nanya "Ping, di sini ada J.Cool gak?" Soalnya, beliau baru mengantongi 1 merek dalam pengalamannya mengonsumsi frozen yoghurt, yakni J.Cool (padahal ada yang lebih murah dari J.Cool).
Trus, gue bilang "Ada, tapi Sour Sally., Ma."
Nyokap menjawab, "O..yah." Haha, bener kan dugaan gue, nyari murahnya. Lalu beliau melanjutka, "berapa, sih, Sour Sally.?"
Gue, "18rb Ma, yang plain, single."
Nyokap, "Oh, sama dong ya ama J.Cool,"
Gue karena lagi kepengen juga, menjawab, "he eh." Hahaha padahal J.Cool 15rb. Hihihi

Sampelah kita ke lantai f3 (eh ato f4 sih? --f4?? efse donggg! Huaaa Gu Jun Pyo!! *LOH?*--). Langsung terlihatlah Sour Sally. di bagian kanan eskalator yang kita naikin. Singkat cerita terbelilah 2 Sour Sally. plain yang small. Topping gue strawberry and mom's was peach. Tadinya gue mau mochi yang chocolate kan, gue dengan sok banget (=P) minta ke mbaknya. Dan mbaknya dengan tampang yang masih baik, berkata, "Maaf, Kak, itu cuma buat yang medium (dan large) aja."
"Oh. Ok, strawberry, deh, kalo gitu." Sumpah, malu banget. Mas2nya ngeliatin udah nguakak kali tuh dalem hati. Ya, lesson learnt: Jangan sok tajir. Hahahahaha ^ ^

Akhirnya, gue pisah ama nyokap karena beliau mau ke Slipi, jadi nunggu taksi (atau bus?) somewhere over there, yang pasti gak di deket gue. Jadilah gue nunggu bus karawaci, sendiri. Jadwal yang gue tau tuh busnya sampe di fX pukul 13.30. And at that moment it was around 13.15.
Nunggu.. Nunggu.. Nunggu.. Ketemu Oom Roy (agak ngagetin).. Nunggu.. Nunggu...
AAARGH!!! Udah 13.50! D*MN! Where's actually that freaking bus?
Ini beneran: gue udah pengen nangis. Gue takut gue salah jadwal. Masalahnya I need to be in Karawaci as soon as possible (hahaha kayak mo reply e-mail aja.). Ya udah, gue memutuskan untuk nekad membolang naik bus ke Blok M terus ambil bus ke Islamic Village. Gue gak kebayang entar gimana, yang penting ke Blok M dulu lah.
Dalam perjalanan ke halte bus TransJakarta, gue ngeliat2 ke arah Ratu Plaza. Gue berargumen dalam hati, "Kalo sejauh mata memandang, gak ada tanda2 bus lippo, berarti ya emang gue salah jadwal dan gue harus naik dari Blok M." Pertama kali liat, gak ada emang. Ok, gue jalan terus. Beberapa langkah setelah itu, gue nengok lagi dan nunggu beberapa detik. Ampe tukang ojek berkali-kali manggil, gak gue hirauin. Dan, gak ada tanda2. Yaudah lah, apa mau dikata. Gue berjalan ke arah semanggi. Dan, ternyata oh ternyata, ketemu lagi yang gak disangka-sangka: Tante Vonne. Jiah, tadi Oom Roy, sekarang Tante Vonne. Another thing learnt: Jakarta itu sempit sekali, saudara-saudara. [Haha, untuk yang ini gue siap di counter. Hehe]
Terjalinlah sebuah dialog amat singkat antara gue dan Tante.
Tante, eh gak, gue dulu: (dengan suara berbisik) Lah?
Tante Vonne: (nunjuk2, senyum2)
Gue: Ealaaa Tante. Halo, Tan!
Biasa lah, cipika cipiki
Tante: Ngapain, Ping, di sini?
Gue: Ini, Tan, nungguin bus lippo lama bwanget. Udah sejam di sini.
Tante: Oooh. (terdiam 1,5 sekon) Lah, itu apa?
Gue: (nengok ke belakang, terus merhatiin sampe bus itu belok, dan ternyata terlihatlah tulisan Lippo Village) OEMJI! Ya ampun! Ya udah ya, Tan. Aku ke sana lagi. Ya elah!
Tante: Ok, Ping!
Gue: Daaaaaaag, Tan.
Tante: Daaag.

Gue lari, bapak2, ibu2. Freakish to the max. Cewe kecil lari2an pake backpack jumbo, celana pendek, baju butterfly, yang berhasil bikin gue look like turis lokal kesasar. Grrrrawr!
Tibalah gue di bus, dan every couple of eye was on me. Rambut gue acak2an. Sangat gak banget nget nget. Dan ternyata gue masih nunggu lagi kind of 5 minutes in the bus. Ya elahhhh! Jadi jadwal bus sebenernya tuh jam brp sihhh?? 13.30 bukan, 13.45 bukan, 14.00 juga bukan. HAAAAH! Feeder bus Lippo bikin emosi jiwa. Huhh.
Tau gak readers, ini tuh kedua kalinya gue dibikin emosi ama bus Lippo. Yang pertama, ama bus internalnya. 1 jam nunggu juga tuh. Nah ini yang kedua. Hufffff. Gue bingung ya, kenapa Tuhan ngasih gue tes kesabaran lewat masalah bus? Hmm mungkin kalo dikasihnya lewat orang, gue gak bakal teruji kali, ya. Gue kan susah marah. Hahahaha. Tapi Tuhan tau titik lemah gue. Hihiihi =B need to be more processed nih. Belom teruji. Wkkwkw.

Yah, sampailah akhirnya gue di Karawaci. Ke kostan Wida, ketemu Wida, dan blalalalala... the rest of the day went well =)

okay, write more again yah.
Blessed day, readers!

"And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken" - Isaiah 40:5 - NIV

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Beautiful poem for us, the eco-lovers =)

The Canticle of Brother Sun
St. Francis of Asisi (1226)

Most high, omnipotent, good Lord,
Praise, glory and honor and benediction all are thine.
To thee alone do they belong, most High, and there is no man fit to mention thee.

Praise be to thee, my Lord, with all thy creatures,
Especially to my worshipful brother sun,
The which lights up the day, and through him dost thou brightness give;
And beautiful is he and radiant with splendor great;
Of thee, most High, signification gives.

Praised be my Lord, for sister moon and for the stars,
In heaven thou hast formed them clear and precious and fair.
Praised be my Lord for brother wind
And for the air and clouds and fair and every kind of weather,
By the which thou givest to thy creatures nourishment.

Praised be my Lord for sister water,
The which is greatly helpful and humble and precious and pure.

Praised be my Lord for brother fire,
By the which thou lightest up the dark.
And fair is he and gay and mighty and strong.

Praised be my Lord for our sister, mother earth,
The which sustains and keeps us
And brings forth diverse fruits with grass and flowers bright.

Praised be my Lord for those who for thy love forgive
And weakness bear and tribulation.
Blessed those who shall in peace endure,
For by thee, most High, shall they be crowned.

Praised be my Lord for our sister, the bodily death,
From the which no living man can flee.
Woe to them who die in mortal sin;
Blessed those who shall find themselves in thy most holy will,
For the second death shall do them no ill.

Praise ye and bless ye my Lord, and give him thanks,
And be subject unto him with great humility.

Sonnet 43 - How Do I Love Thee?

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,—I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!—and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
 Elizabeth Barrett Browning

What To Do, When We Don't Know What To Do

Kemarin paman datang..
pamanku dari Singapore..
dibawakannya jam tangan blingbling dan dasi keren segala rupa..
bercrita paman tentang Grejanya..
*halah uda ngaco* hehehe.

jadi gini.. kemaren pan ada Pastor Kong Hee pan.. kotbahnya bagus =)
then I decide to share poin2nya..
here we go.

judul kotbahnya tentang: What to DO when you DONT know what to DO..?
diambil dari 2 Chronicles 20 - Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir Defeated

critanya kan bangsa Yehuda lagi mau diserang sama 3 musuhnya dari 3 arah. stress kan..
dan apa yang Yosafat lakukan?

3: And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the LORD, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. 4: So Judah gathered together to ask help from the LORD; and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the LORD.

so, poin pertama:
saat kita takut, harus ngapain? tetapkan hati! Cari Tuhan.. sounds standard banget? man, this one is powerful!! saat keadaan lagi ngaco, buat bikin hati qta tetap aja sulit stengah mati.. then to seek God, thats amazing!
jangan cuman bisa suruh pendeta doain kita, mentor doain kita, semua orang doain kita, but KITA juga harus berdoa, cari Tuhan! Pray in tongue, it gives you power!! it recharges you =)

12: O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.”

poin kedua:
bangsa Yehuda ada di worst nightmare mereka, tapi mreka tau Tuhan yang mereka sembah itu bigger than anything! mereka tau janji Tuhan tuh nyata, and they proclaimed them! asal kita anak Tuhan, takut sama Tuhan, nurut sama perintah Tuhan, gausah takut kalo janji Tuhan itu failed!

13: Now all Judah, with their little ones, their wives, and their children, stood before the LORD.

poin ketiga:
dont panic! berdiam diri dan percaya sama Tuhan =)
just like Bruce Lee, qta punya His Words as our double stick then stand still, stay cool.. musuh2 yang banyak itu mungkin lari2 ngelilingin kita, but we will defeat them all in coolness. AW!

14: Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, in the midst of the assembly.

poin keempat:
Tuhan kasi Roh Kudus as our helper, as our big brother, senior pastor, friend, EVERYTHING! Percaya aja Dia yang akan bantuin kita, tuntun kita.. as we surrender all to Him

19: Then the Levites of the children of the Kohathites and of the children of the Korahites stood up to praise the LORD God of Israel with voices loud and high.

poin terakirrrr:
fire di sini artinya sesuatu yang ga enak, masalah, semua hal yang ngejepit kita. and praise di sini, seperti dalam bahasa aslinya, to shout so loud, jump and down, thats praise! dua hal ini bukan hal yang biasa dilakukan bersamaan, satu positif, satu negatif gitu kan.. but then, God wants us to praise Him loud in the middle of pressure. Thats when our praise goes powerful! ada banyak malaikatnya Tuhan yang "dilepas", siap bantuin kita perang, beresin hal-hal di luar jangkauan kita saat kita mulai praise Him.. =)

25: When Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away their spoil, they found among them an abundance of valuables on the dead bodies,[d] and precious jewelry, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away; and they were three days gathering the spoil because there was so much.

know what happen after all that?
Tuhan yang bikin musuh2 mereka perang2an sendiri and God gave them abundant grace! butuh waktu bahkan sampe 3 hari buat mereka ngambilin harta!! from defeat to victory!!

gw terpesona.. bukan cuman sama pastornya *HAHA* tapi juga sama Tuhan yang keren buanged itu.


be a Christian Bruce Lee!

Friday, December 11, 2009


I love this pic!

It is harmless to be Green! Ayo, lestarikan lingkungan!

I Am Destined to be More Than A Conqueror


Ive been renewed again and I hope this will be new and new everyday...
I finally found the meaning of these hit problems...and you know Ive just reminded by Bible and Pastor Joel
And here's the answer :
"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation"
(Romans 5:3-4)
Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations.Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience.But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed with no defects, lacking in nothing.(James 1:2-4)...ITS GREAT.isn't it?

Ive just informed that the way I handle my adversities has a huge impact on my success in life. If I shrink back, choose to get bitter, and lose my enthusiasm, then I am allowing the difficulties of life to bury me it means I am allowing hardship to keep me from My God-given destiny. But if I choose to keep pressing forward with a smile on my face, rejoicing even in the hard times like now I've been passing, it means I am allowing God’s character to be developed inside of me. That's Jesus purpose to be revealed in my life oh yes..and I remember a God's servant who said I have to be changed like Jesus. The blesses is God's business.
Ive also renewed that the only difference between a piece of black coal and a priceless diamond is the amount of pressure that it’s endured? My uncle ever said to me that the pricefull gold must be honed till its shining. Oh thank you God...
When you stand strong in the midst of the trials and difficulties in life, when you allow God to shape and mold your character, it’s like going from a piece of coal to a priceless diamond. Those difficulties are going to give way to new growth, new potential, new talent, new friendships, new opportunities, new vision. You’re going to see God develop your life in ways that you’ve never even dreamed! Amen....and I believe I can..I believe You can...I believe we can..... to be more than a CONQUEROR...

Father in heaven, thank You for giving me strength to overcome every obstacle in life. I choose to rejoice no matter what may come against me because I know You are working all things together for my good. Thank You for developing Your character in me. Give me more strength to pass these comin' challenges in order to shape me to be like I will be a light to shine everything around me In Jesus’ Name. Amen. Be blessed.....

I'm back. OH!

Okay. I'm back. June, I'm back. I hope, starting from now, I will keep updating this blog constantly, so this could be OK to be read. -Halah! Apa sehh??-

All right, anyway, just for your info, I'm reading I Kissed Dating Goodbye by  Joshua Harris. Belom selesai sih. Baru nyampe chapter 3. Gue bela2in minjem di library meskipun udah mau liburan. It will be my last borrowed book. Huhhuu gonna miss Johannes Oentoro Library. =) Sampe sekarang gue baru belajar sedikit hal. Baru ditekenin soal tujuan lo ngebina sebuah dating. Trus, is it trully based on commitment or just for fun-romance? Yaaa gak beda-beda jauh dari materi LSD yang pernah gue ikutin. Gak beda dari apa yang pernah kakak2 rohani gue (Kak Angga & Kak Lia) pernah share ke gue. Tetapi yang gue syukuri adalah, I think I read this book on the right and appropriate time. Mungkin kalo gue baca pas gue SMP atau SMA, belom terlalu ngena karena gue gak terlalu mengerti. Selama 4 bulan di UPH, gue belajar bwaaaaanyaaaaak hal. Bukan cuma ilmu yang sesuai jurusan, tetapi gue ngerasa karakter, pola pikir, sikap gue ditempa banget. Gue semakin dewasa. Salah satu proses yang Tuhan izinkan terjadi adalah gue putus sama Hizkia. Kita 'berhasil bertahan' selama 1 tahun 2 bulan 2 minggu 1 hari (hehe). I keep convincing myself that it was a right decision. Dan melalui I Kissed Dating Goodbye, semakin diperjelas dan diperteguh lagi.

Being single (after a dating) is not always happy and menyenangkan. For me, it's hard. But, I know, now is not the time yet. Menunggu. Ya, menunggu waktu-Nya.

...more to write.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."
- James 1:17 - NIV

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Karawaci terguncanggg....

Okeh. Hari ini seru man!

Ketika mahasiswa-mahasiswa biotek UPH 2009 sedang asyik-asyiknya mendengarkan suara merdu Pak Reinhard yang sedang menerangkan soal tidur dan all about it, tiba-tiba kami seakan dibuat bergoyang. Ada yang mengira teman yang di belakangnya gerak-gerak, makanya mejanya juga ikutan gerak, ada yang mengira dirinya lagi sakit kepala tiba-tiba. Tetapi ternyata, kami dilanda GEMPA!!!! (jengjengjeng *Wida's style*)
Gempa berkekuatan 7.3 SR berpusat di Tasikamalaya mengguncang JaBoDeTaBek. Dan lebih parahnya, di Semarang juga kerasa! Parah memang. "Ini gempa terbesar yang pernah gue rasain seumur idup!" seru seorang siswa Biotek berinisial FS (apakah diapun gemar bermain Friendster, secara dia gak belum punya FB?) sambil bermuka agak panik tapi juga nyengir. Dan ketika penulis terhubung ke FB melalui N73-1 kesayangannya, semua status berbau gempa...gempa...gempa...
Ckckckk penulis kira hanya Karawaci saja yang terguncang.
Setelah beberapa menit mahasiswa-mahasiswa UPH diizinkan menginjak rumput (kesempatan langka nih) dan memuaskan diri di sana, tak lama handphone salah seorang anak Biotek bergetar; ternyata wakil ketua kelas kita nelpon. Ternyata juga mereka telah memantau kita dari B. 539 (dan mungkin menertawakan kami yang ada di rumput, karena Pak Reinhard was still there). Akhirnya, kami naik lagi ke B. 539, dan MELANJUTKAN KULIAH PADAHAL UDAH JAM 4! What??????????! Tapi, apa boleh buat. Lagian asik kok materinya. Hehehe (anak baik ^^)

Yah, begitulah reportase reporter dadakan melaporkan dari Gedung C lt. 4, The Johannes Oentoro Library, Universitas Pelita Harapan Global Campus.

Hahaha keren banget dah. Tapi itu soal hari ini. Yang kemaren juga gak kalah keren.Hari Selasa tuh hari kesukaan gue. Karena Selasa waktu itu hari pertama gue jadi mahasiswa. Trus ditambah Selasa itu hari ketika TLC diadakan. hehehe. TLC itu memikat gue sejak awal gue ikut.

TLC kemarin bicara tentang keselamatan. Wih, dalem. Tapi intinya simple. Keselamatan kita hanya melalui dan dari Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Keselamatan itu bukan hasil usaha kita, bukan karena perbuatan baik kita. Tetapi keselamatan itu GIFT FROM GOD. Kita gak bisa nyelametin diri kita sendiri. NEVER. Dalam kekristenan, ada yang namanya Kasih. Dan kasih ini bukan kasih yang maen-maen. Kasih yang diajarkan oleh Tuhan adalah diri-Nya sendiri sebagai contoh. Rela mati untuk nebus dosa seluruh warga dunia, entah dia Kristen ato bukan. Tetapi penebusan itu valid ketika kita bilang 'Yes, I believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of the Father, as my God and saviour.'

Guys, we are nothing! Sebenernya aja, kita tuh gak layak terima Gift dari Tuhan yang luar biasa itu saking berdosanya kita, saking kotornya kita. Tetapi by the grace of God kita diampuni. Widih, dahsyat gak tuh!? Trus ya yang lebih dahsyat lagi, pas tadi pagi masih di kostan, gue baca devotion buat hari ini. Eeeh, renungannya tentang keselamatan juga. Wih... Berarti emang musti siap sedia nih, keselamatan itu gak main2 man! Di devotionnya ditulis "'Almost saved' is lost." Jadi, yang ada cuma selamat ato enggak. Nah, what will you choose, readers???

Cheers! =)
"He saved us, not because of the good things we did, but because of His mercy."
 - Titus 3:5

Monday, August 31, 2009

This is the 1st. This is also the 3rd.

Jiahahaha.... Hello everyone!
Yup, all right. This time I'm gonna be more serious in working my blog. Secara dulu internet tuh susah didapatkan (ceiihh... berasa kayak tinggal di utan aja), nah sekarang karena gue udah kembali ke kota dan oleh rahmat TUHAN yang Mahaaaaa Kuasa gue sekarang kuliah di tempat yang banyak free internet nganggur, jadi gue yakin blog gue ini akan lancar. Hahaha

Gue kepikiran untuk ngeblog lagi karena tadi pas ada kelas "Essay writing", dosennya nanya 'Siapa yang punya blog?' Gue pengen jawab 'saya, Pak.' tapi gue pikir lagi, blog gue, passwordnya aja gue lupa, entar dia tanya lagi alamatnya, trus dia baca. jiaaahh nggak deh. Eh tapi terus dia nunjuk gue, 'kamu pasti punya, ya? Kamu suka nulis kan?' gue hanya senyum dan mengangguk ragu. Hehehe
Tapi sore ini gue membuktikan: Gue punya blog. Hahaha =D

Soal title gue yang agak aneh, maksudnya tuh: 1st post, tapi 3rd blog. Heheh. Ok, title case done.

Sekarang gue udah pengen balik ke kost dengan menginjakan kaki di Times terlebih dahulu. Gue pengen beli kamus dan NLT Bible. Hmmmm which is better ya? Mahal dua2nya sih... =p

Oiya, I have a facebook, YM and MSN..
For facebook and MSN, add me on

Oke deh ya...
See you on the next post!

Cherio ;)

A wise person foresees the dangers ahead, take precautions. The fool goes blindly on, suffers the consequences. - Proverbs 27:12 NLT